POST api/ContentPatientEducation
The ContentPatientEducation method returns a Patient Education Sheet.
All formatting and special characters have been removed from the sheet to allow for customization and to enable use in mainframe terminal systems without web browser technology.
Patient Education sheets are available in various languages (refer to documentation for complete list of languages). English and Spanish translations are the default languages available within the (GSDD) Patient Education Sheets Module. All other language translations are available based on your GSDD licensing.
Patient Education sheets are available in various languages (refer to documentation for complete list of languages). English and Spanish translations are the default languages available within the (GSDD) Patient Education Sheets Module. All other language translations are available based on your GSDD licensing.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
ContentPatientEducationRequestName | Description | Type | Additional information |
DrugIdentifier | The drug identifer to retrieve the patient education sheet for. | PedcDrugIdentifier |
Required |
LanguageCode | Enter the language code. English and Spanish translations are the default languages. All other language translations are available based on your GSDD licensing. | string |
Required |
AccessToken |
Temporary access token from the GSDD Auth API.
Used to validate your license.
Note: Access tokens are temporary and may be invalidated early for various reasons, including—but not limited to—site maintenance and security updates. If a token is invalidated prematurely, simply request new tokens via the AccessToken method in the GSDD Auth API. This is a rather rare occurrence, but should be planned for and handled by the consuming application. |
string |
Required |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "DrugIdentifier": { "IdType": "SpecificProductId", "Id": "1" }, "LanguageCode": "es-ES", "AccessToken": "T25lX0hhcHB5X0FuZF9TYXRpc2ZpZWRfR1NERF9DdXN0b21lcl9TYW1wbGVfQWNjZXNzVG9rZW4=" }
Response Information
Resource Description
ContentPatientEducationResponseName | Description | Type | Additional information |
PatientEducationSheetId | Numeric identifier for the patient education sheet. | integer |
Required |
GenericProductClinicalId | Internally assigned numeric identifier for the Gold Standard GPC (Generic Product Clinical). | integer |
Required |
SheetName | Section that identifies the active ingredient(s) (or the synonym) and dosage form(s) described on the patient education leaflet. | string |
Required |
DescriptionHeader | Question header for the Description section. | string |
Required |
Description | Textual description section of why the patient is taking the drug and what the drug treats. | string |
Required |
DescriptionFooter | Closing thought footer for the Description section. | string |
Required |
ContraindicationsHeader | Question header for the Contraindications section. | string |
Required |
Contraindications | Section describing any contraindications the patient may experience or is discouraged from doing. | string |
Required |
ContraindicationsFooter | Closing thought footer for the Contraindications section. | string |
Required |
AdministrationHeader | Question header for the Administration section. | string |
Required |
Administration | Administration section; explains how the patient should take this medication. | string |
Required |
AdministrationFooter | Closing thought footer for the Administration section. | string |
Required |
MissedDoseHeader | Question header for the MissedDose section. | string |
Required |
MissedDose | Section that explains what the patient should do if they miss a dose. | string |
Required |
MissedDoseFooter | Closing thought footer for the MissedDose section. | string |
Required |
InteractionsHeader | Question header for the (drug) Interactions section. | string |
Required |
Interactions | Drug interactions section; explains what other drugs or medications that may interact with this medication. | string |
Required |
InteractionsFooter | Closing thought footer for the (drug) Interactions section. | string |
Required |
MonitoringHeader | Question header for the Monitoring (reactions) section. | string |
Required |
Monitoring | Section describing reactions the patient should watch for while taking this medication. | string |
Required |
MonitoringFooter | Closing thought footer for the Monitoring (reactions) section. | string |
Required |
SideEffectsHeader | Question header for the SideEffects section. | string |
Required |
SideEffects | Section describing any side effects the patient may experience. | string |
Required |
SideEffectsFooter | Closing thought footer for the SideEffects section. | string |
Required |
StorageHeader | Question header for the Storage section. | string |
Required |
Storage | Storage section; describes how the patient should store the medication. | string |
Required |
StorageFooter | Closing thought footer for the Storage section. | string |
Required |
LastUpdated | Date the patient education leaflet was last edited | date |
Required |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "PatientEducationSheetId": 1, "GenericProductClinicalId": 2, "SheetName": "Sample SheetName text.", "DescriptionHeader": "Sample DescriptionHeader text.", "Description": "Sample Description text.", "DescriptionFooter": "Sample DescriptionFooter text.", "ContraindicationsHeader": "Sample ContraindicationsHeader text.", "Contraindications": "Sample Contraindications text.", "ContraindicationsFooter": "Sample ContraindicationsFooter text.", "AdministrationHeader": "Sample AdministrationHeader text.", "Administration": "Sample Administration text.", "AdministrationFooter": "Sample AdministrationFooter text.", "MissedDoseHeader": "Sample MissedDoseHeader text.", "MissedDose": "Sample MissedDose text.", "MissedDoseFooter": "Sample MissedDoseFooter text.", "InteractionsHeader": "Sample InteractionsHeader text.", "Interactions": "Sample Interactions text.", "InteractionsFooter": "Sample InteractionsFooter text.", "MonitoringHeader": "Sample MonitoringHeader text.", "Monitoring": "Sample Monitoring text.", "MonitoringFooter": "Sample MonitoringFooter text.", "SideEffectsHeader": "Sample SideEffectsHeader text.", "SideEffects": "Sample SideEffects text.", "SideEffectsFooter": "Sample SideEffectsFooter text.", "StorageHeader": "Sample StorageHeader text.", "Storage": "Sample Storage text.", "StorageFooter": "Sample StorageFooter text.", "LastUpdated": "2025-03-08" }