POST api/DetailPackage
The DetailPackage method returns detailed package information for a supplied package identifier, including route of administration and dose form.
Additionally returns the external identifiers (NDC10, NDC11, UPC) associated to the package.
Optionally returns AGS BEERs Criteria information regarding potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) for older adults (if available)
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
DetailPackageRequestName | Description | Type | Additional information |
PackageId | Input parameters for any package identifiers passed into the request. | PackageIdentifier |
Required |
ReturnBeersInfo | Used to indicate whether to return AGS BEERs criteria information. | boolean |
None. |
ReturnPackageDeliveryInfo | Used to indicate whether to return Package Delivery information. | boolean |
None. |
AccessToken |
Temporary access token from the GSDD Auth API.
Used to validate your license.
Note: Access tokens are temporary and may be invalidated early for various reasons, including—but not limited to—site maintenance and security updates. If a token is invalidated prematurely, simply request new tokens via the AccessToken method in the GSDD Auth API. This is a rather rare occurrence, but should be planned for and handled by the consuming application. |
string |
Required |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "PackageId": { "IdType": "NDC11", "Id": "12345-6789-01" }, "ReturnBeersInfo": true, "ReturnPackageDeliveryInfo": true, "AccessToken": "T25lX0hhcHB5X0FuZF9TYXRpc2ZpZWRfR1NERF9DdXN0b21lcl9TYW1wbGVfQWNjZXNzVG9rZW4=" }
Response Information
Resource Description
DetailPackageResponseName | Description | Type | Additional information |
PackageIdentifiers | A collection external package identifiers associated to the requested package. | Collection of PackageIdentifier |
Required |
ProductIdentifiers | A collection all external product identifiers associated to the requested package. | Collection of ProductIdentifier |
Required |
PackageVersions | A collection of any package versions. | Collection of PackageVersion |
Required |
Description | Additional descriptive information about the product, if populated. | string |
Required |
PreservativeFree | True/False flag indicating whether the package is listed as having no preservatives. | boolean |
Required |
PackageDescriptor | Additional descriptive information about the package, if populated. | string |
Required |
PackageSize | Identifies the number of individual units per package as supplied by the manufacturer; indicates the numeric package size. May be used in conjunction with the NCPDPBillingUnitId for determining the amount of product in the package along with the NCPDP billing unit. | decimal number |
Required |
AGSBeersCriteriaItems | When the ReturnBeersInfo input parameter value = ‘true’ in the Request, this element returns AGS BEERs Criteria information details mapped to the product. | Collection of AGSBeersCriteriaItem |
None. |
PackageDeliveries | When the ReturnPackageDeliveryInfo input parameter value = ‘true’ in the Request, this element returns Package Delivery information details mapped to the product. | Collection of PackageDeliveryItem |
None. |
UnitDoseType | The package unit dose type information. | string |
None. |
ProductNameLong | The unabbreviated trademarked product name, as published by the marketer. | string |
Required |
PackageDescription | Descriptive text about the package, regardless of version. Package descriptors include outer package type, inner package type and quantity, along with drug and non-drug item information. | string |
Required |
NCPDPBillingUnit | The NCPDP-compliant billing units for this package (e.g., GM, ML, EA) | string |
Required |
NCPDPExceptionalCount | The exceptional billing count required for products that require special billing, in accordance with NCPDP Workgroup 2 standards (e.g., Cordran tape, multi-component kits) | decimal number |
None. |
NCPDPScriptForm | The NCPDP SCRIPT dosage form (as needed) for NCPDP-compliant transactions using the SCRIPT standard. | string |
Required |
InnerPackageQuantity | The inner package quantity (if this package contains separate inner packages). | integer |
None. |
InnerPackageUnit | Contains the quantity of inner packages contained within the outer package. | string |
None. |
ReplacedByPackageId | (if populated) the Gold Standard package identifier of the package chosen to replace this package. | integer |
None. |
OuterPackageUnit | The unit of the outer package (e.g., bottle, box, carton) | string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "PackageIdentifiers": [ { "IdType": "NDC11", "Id": "12345-6789-01" }, { "IdType": "NDC11", "Id": "12345-6789-02" } ], "ProductIdentifiers": [ { "IdType": "NDC9", "Id": "12345-0003" }, { "IdType": "NDC9", "Id": "12345-0004" } ], "PackageVersions": [ { "PackageVersionNumber": 1, "PackageVersionDescription": "Sample PackageVersionDescription text.", "PackageVersionItems": { "DrugItems": [ { "Identifier": 5, "Version": 1, "Quantity": 1.234, "Units": "Sample Units text.", "VersionDescription": "Sample VersionDescription text.", "ImageIds": [ 6, 7 ], "Manufacturer": { "Id": 8, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "RouteOfAdministration": { "Id": 9, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "DoseForm": { "Id": 10, "Name": "Sample Name text." } }, { "Identifier": 11, "Version": 1, "Quantity": 1.234, "Units": "Sample Units text.", "VersionDescription": "Sample VersionDescription text.", "ImageIds": [ 12, 13 ], "Manufacturer": { "Id": 14, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "RouteOfAdministration": { "Id": 15, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "DoseForm": { "Id": 16, "Name": "Sample Name text." } } ], "NondrugItems": [ { "Identifier": 17, "Version": 1, "Quantity": 1.234, "Units": "Sample Units text.", "VersionDescription": "Sample VersionDescription text.", "ImageIds": [ 18, 19 ], "Manufacturer": { "Id": 20, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "RouteOfAdministration": { "Id": 21, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "DoseForm": { "Id": 22, "Name": "Sample Name text." } }, { "Identifier": 23, "Version": 1, "Quantity": 1.234, "Units": "Sample Units text.", "VersionDescription": "Sample VersionDescription text.", "ImageIds": [ 24, 25 ], "Manufacturer": { "Id": 26, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "RouteOfAdministration": { "Id": 27, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "DoseForm": { "Id": 28, "Name": "Sample Name text." } } ] }, "PackageOnMarketDate": "2025-03-08", "PackageOffMarketDate": "2025-03-08", "PackageLotExpiryDate": "2025-03-08", "ImageIds": [ 29, 30 ] }, { "PackageVersionNumber": 1, "PackageVersionDescription": "Sample PackageVersionDescription text.", "PackageVersionItems": { "DrugItems": [ { "Identifier": 31, "Version": 1, "Quantity": 1.234, "Units": "Sample Units text.", "VersionDescription": "Sample VersionDescription text.", "ImageIds": [ 32, 33 ], "Manufacturer": { "Id": 34, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "RouteOfAdministration": { "Id": 35, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "DoseForm": { "Id": 36, "Name": "Sample Name text." } }, { "Identifier": 37, "Version": 1, "Quantity": 1.234, "Units": "Sample Units text.", "VersionDescription": "Sample VersionDescription text.", "ImageIds": [ 38, 39 ], "Manufacturer": { "Id": 40, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "RouteOfAdministration": { "Id": 41, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "DoseForm": { "Id": 42, "Name": "Sample Name text." } } ], "NondrugItems": [ { "Identifier": 43, "Version": 1, "Quantity": 1.234, "Units": "Sample Units text.", "VersionDescription": "Sample VersionDescription text.", "ImageIds": [ 44, 45 ], "Manufacturer": { "Id": 46, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "RouteOfAdministration": { "Id": 47, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "DoseForm": { "Id": 48, "Name": "Sample Name text." } }, { "Identifier": 49, "Version": 1, "Quantity": 1.234, "Units": "Sample Units text.", "VersionDescription": "Sample VersionDescription text.", "ImageIds": [ 50, 51 ], "Manufacturer": { "Id": 52, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "RouteOfAdministration": { "Id": 53, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "DoseForm": { "Id": 54, "Name": "Sample Name text." } } ] }, "PackageOnMarketDate": "2025-03-08", "PackageOffMarketDate": "2025-03-08", "PackageLotExpiryDate": "2025-03-08", "ImageIds": [ 55, 56 ] } ], "Description": "Sample Description text.", "PreservativeFree": true, "PackageDescriptor": "Sample PackageDescriptor text.", "PackageSize": 1.234, "AGSBeersCriteriaItems": [ { "RationalId": 57, "RationalText": "Sample RationalText text.", "QualityOfEvidenceId": 58, "QualityOfEvidenceText": "Sample QualityOfEvidenceText text.", "StrengthOfRecommendationId": 59, "StrengthOfRecommendationText": "Sample StrengthOfRecommendationText text.", "TherapeuticCategoryOrganSystemId": 60, "TherapeuticCategoryOrganSystemText": "Sample TherapeuticCategoryOrganSystemText text.", "DiseaseSyndromeStatementId": 61, "DiseaseSyndromeStatementText": "Sample DiseaseSyndromeStatementText text.", "DiseaseSyndromeCategoryId": 62, "DiseaseSyndromeCategoryText": "Sample DiseaseSyndromeCategoryText text.", "ModifierAId": 63, "ModifierAText": "Sample ModifierAText text.", "ModifierBId": 64, "ModifierBText": "Sample ModifierBText text.", "AvoidCautionId": 65, "AvoidCautionText": "Sample AvoidCautionText text.", "TableName": "Sample TableName text.", "TableDescription": "Sample TableDescription text.", "ProfessionalNotes": "Sample ProfessionalNotes text." }, { "RationalId": 66, "RationalText": "Sample RationalText text.", "QualityOfEvidenceId": 67, "QualityOfEvidenceText": "Sample QualityOfEvidenceText text.", "StrengthOfRecommendationId": 68, "StrengthOfRecommendationText": "Sample StrengthOfRecommendationText text.", "TherapeuticCategoryOrganSystemId": 69, "TherapeuticCategoryOrganSystemText": "Sample TherapeuticCategoryOrganSystemText text.", "DiseaseSyndromeStatementId": 70, "DiseaseSyndromeStatementText": "Sample DiseaseSyndromeStatementText text.", "DiseaseSyndromeCategoryId": 71, "DiseaseSyndromeCategoryText": "Sample DiseaseSyndromeCategoryText text.", "ModifierAId": 72, "ModifierAText": "Sample ModifierAText text.", "ModifierBId": 73, "ModifierBText": "Sample ModifierBText text.", "AvoidCautionId": 74, "AvoidCautionText": "Sample AvoidCautionText text.", "TableName": "Sample TableName text.", "TableDescription": "Sample TableDescription text.", "ProfessionalNotes": "Sample ProfessionalNotes text." } ], "PackageDeliveries": [ { "DeliveryID": 75, "DrugItemID": 76, "IngredientID": 77, "IngredientName": "Sample IngredientName text.", "Strength": 1.234, "StrengthUnitCode": "Sample StrengthUnitCode text.", "TotalDeliveries": 1.234, "TotalDeliveriesUnitCode": "Sample TotalDeliveriesUnitCode text." }, { "DeliveryID": 78, "DrugItemID": 79, "IngredientID": 80, "IngredientName": "Sample IngredientName text.", "Strength": 1.234, "StrengthUnitCode": "Sample StrengthUnitCode text.", "TotalDeliveries": 1.234, "TotalDeliveriesUnitCode": "Sample TotalDeliveriesUnitCode text." } ], "UnitDoseType": "Sample UnitDoseType text.", "ProductNameLong": "Sample ProductNameLong text.", "PackageDescription": "Sample PackageDescription text.", "NCPDPBillingUnit": "Sample NCPDPBillingUnit text.", "NCPDPExceptionalCount": 1.234, "NCPDPScriptForm": "Sample NCPDPScriptForm text.", "InnerPackageQuantity": 3, "InnerPackageUnit": "Sample InnerPackageUnit text.", "ReplacedByPackageId": 81, "OuterPackageUnit": "Sample OuterPackageUnit text." }