POST api/DetailProduct
The DetailProduct method returns all detailed product information for a supplied product identifier, including route of administration and dose form.
Returns the external identifiers (NDC9) associated to the Product.
Provides a list of all RxNorm CUIs associated to the product.
Identifies whether the product is a bulk chemical (not a drug product).
Optionally returns AGS BEERs Criteria information regarding potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) for older adults (if available)
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
DetailProductRequestName | Description | Type | Additional information |
ProductId | Input parameters for any product identifiers passed into the request. | ProductIdentifier |
Required |
ReturnBeersInfo | Used to indicate whether to return AGS BEERs criteria information. | boolean |
None. |
ReturnIngredientStrengthRouteForm | Used to indicate whether to return ingredient strength, route, and form information. | boolean |
None. |
ReturnProductModifier | Used to indicate that Product Modifier information should be returned as part of the result. | boolean |
None. |
ReturnRxNormSynonyms | If this is set to 'true' the RxNorm PSN, TMSY, and SY synonmyn names will be returned if they exist. | boolean |
None. |
AccessToken |
Temporary access token from the GSDD Auth API.
Used to validate your license.
Note: Access tokens are temporary and may be invalidated early for various reasons, including—but not limited to—site maintenance and security updates. If a token is invalidated prematurely, simply request new tokens via the AccessToken method in the GSDD Auth API. This is a rather rare occurrence, but should be planned for and handled by the consuming application. |
string |
Required |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "ProductId": { "IdType": "NDC9", "Id": "12345-0001" }, "ReturnBeersInfo": true, "ReturnIngredientStrengthRouteForm": true, "ReturnProductModifier": true, "ReturnRxNormSynonyms": true, "AccessToken": "T25lX0hhcHB5X0FuZF9TYXRpc2ZpZWRfR1NERF9DdXN0b21lcl9TYW1wbGVfQWNjZXNzVG9rZW4=" }
Response Information
Resource Description
DetailProductResponseName | Description | Type | Additional information |
ProductIds | A collection of all external product identifier types and identifiers associated to the requested product. | Collection of ProductIdentifier |
Required |
ePrescribingName | The 35-character abbreviated name developed to conform to NCPDP version one SCRIPT standard for e-prescribing transactions. The e-Prescribing Name is a version of the Product Long Name. | string |
Required |
TherapeuticEquivalenceCodes | Contains the FDA Orange book therapeutic equivalence code. | Collection of string |
Required |
OnMarketDate | The date the product was placed on market, or the date the drug company indicated they were shipping the product (‘yyyy-mm-dd’ format). | date |
Required |
OffMarketDate | (if applicable) The date this product was deemed to be no longer available. The Product Off-Market Date is supplied by the product’s marketer and indicates the date the product is no longer being shipped by the marketer. The product may remain in the marketplace. The Product OffMarketDate column is programmatically set up so that, when the last package goes off market, GSDD automatically applies the Package Off-Market Date to the Product OffMarketDate. | date |
None. |
Innovator | A true/false field indicating whether the product is the innovator product, or first to market. A product is flagged as an Innovator when it is approved by the FDA with a New Drug Application (NDA). A product can also be flagged as an Innovator if it is known and handled in the marketplace as such. In GSDD, Innovator flags are added to all strengths of an Innovator product, unlike the FDA Orange Book Reference Listed Drug data, which identifies only one strength of an innovator product. | boolean |
Required |
PregnancyTrimesters | Returns the output parameters for the pregnancy trimester type nodes. | Collection of Trimester |
Required |
Attributes | Contains an array of product attributes describing the product. Attributes include information e.g., “sugar-free”, “dye-free”, “Kosher”. (NOTE: a product record can have more than one attribute.) | Collection of string |
None. |
Items | Contains details for all non-versioned drug and nondrug items associated to this product. | ProductItems |
Required |
PackageIds | A collection of all Gold Standard PackageIds associated to this product. This information can be used for package detail requests or for interaction checking. | Collection of integer |
Required |
PrivateLabel | A true/false field indicating whether the product is privately labeled by an establishment (such as a retail pharmacy chain). | boolean |
Required |
Repackaged | A true/false field indicating whether the product has been repackaged for distribution by another company. | boolean |
Required |
CMSId | (if available) The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) numeric identifier. | integer |
None. |
RxNormList | (if available) Returns the RxCUI, Name, and Type data for the product. | Collection of RxNormInfo |
None. |
BulkChemical | A true/false flag indicating whether this is a bulk chemical (and not a drug product). | boolean |
Required |
AGSBeersCriteriaItems | When the ReturnBeersInfo input parameter value = ‘true’ in the Request, this element returns AGS BEERs Criteria information details mapped to the product. | Collection of AGSBeersCriteriaItem |
None. |
ProductModifiers | A list of product modifiers available for the product. | Collection of ProductModifierName |
None. |
ProductNameLong | The unabbreviated trademarked product name, as published by the marketer. The full, marketed name for the product, which, in addition to the product name, could include the strength, unit, route, and dosage form. | string |
Required |
ProductNameType | Describes the name type of the product long name (Generic Name, Trademarked Name). Product name types describe the type of name that appears in the ProductNameLong field of the drug product data. | string |
Required |
ProductNameShort | The 30-character abbreviated name developed to conform to NCPDP telecommunication standards. The Product Short Name is a version of the Product Long Name. This is a shortened name, 30-character field length, and complies with NCPDP 5.1 telecommunication standards for Rx claims adjudications and industry expectations. The Product Short Name can be used for prescription labels and product pick lists. | string |
Required |
Marketer | The company name for the company that is marketing the drug (i.e., the NDA, aNDA or BLA holder). This could be the original manufacturer of the drug product, a distributor, or a re-packager. (Also known as the ‘Company’) | string |
Required |
LegendStatus | Contains the Legend Status (Rx, OTC) for this product. The Legend Status reflects whether the product is labeled as Rx-only (requires a prescription) or not (over-the-counter, no prescription required). Gold Standard populates the Legend Status value based on what is listed in the product’s labeling. | string |
Required |
BrandGenericStatus | Contains the product’s brand or generic status. The Brand/Generic Status reflects the marketer’s intent to position the product in the marketplace as either brand or generic. | string |
Required |
FederalDEAClass | Contains the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) classification of controlled substances for this product, if applicable. | string |
Required |
ReplacedByProductId | (if applicable) The Gold Standard product identifier of a product that has taken the place of (i.e., replaced) the product as a result of mergers, acquisitions, product purchase, or other NDC changes. Frequently, products and packages change marketers, which may result in the creation of a new NDC, UPC, or NHRIC. Gold Standard associates these changes through the ‘ReplacedByProductId’ value. Inclusion of ‘ReplacedByProductId’ value provides the ability to track the history of changes for a product by marketer. | integer |
None. |
LicenseType | Contains the license type (e.g., NDA, aNDA, Authorized Generic, NA) assigned to this drug product. The License Type can be used to assist in determining Trademarked (Brand)/Generic Status, if there is disagreement with the reported Brand/Generic status. | string |
None. |
MarketStatus | Identifies the product as either OnMarket or OffMarket. Valid Enumeration Values: OnMarket, OffMarket | MarketStatusEnum |
Required |
IngredientStrengthRouteFormInfo | A collection of ingredient strength, route, and form information for the product. | Collection of IngredientStrengthRouteForm |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "ProductIds": [ { "IdType": "NDC9", "Id": "12345-0001" }, { "IdType": "NDC9", "Id": "12345-0002" } ], "ePrescribingName": "Sample ePrescribingName text.", "TherapeuticEquivalenceCodes": [ "Sample TherapeuticEquivalenceCodes text.", "Sample TherapeuticEquivalenceCodes text." ], "OnMarketDate": "2025-03-06", "OffMarketDate": "2025-03-06", "Innovator": true, "PregnancyTrimesters": [ { "Number": "First", "PregnancyRatings": [ { "RatingCode": "Sample RatingCode text.", "Factors": [ { "Id": 3, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, { "Id": 4, "Name": "Sample Name text." } ] }, { "RatingCode": "Sample RatingCode text.", "Factors": [ { "Id": 5, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, { "Id": 6, "Name": "Sample Name text." } ] } ] }, { "Number": "First", "PregnancyRatings": [ { "RatingCode": "Sample RatingCode text.", "Factors": [ { "Id": 7, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, { "Id": 8, "Name": "Sample Name text." } ] }, { "RatingCode": "Sample RatingCode text.", "Factors": [ { "Id": 9, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, { "Id": 10, "Name": "Sample Name text." } ] } ] } ], "Attributes": [ "Sample Attributes text.", "Sample Attributes text." ], "Items": { "DrugItems": [ { "Id": 11, "Name": "Sample Name text.", "RouteOfAdministration": { "Id": 12, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "DoseForm": { "Id": 13, "Name": "Sample Name text." } }, { "Id": 14, "Name": "Sample Name text.", "RouteOfAdministration": { "Id": 15, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "DoseForm": { "Id": 16, "Name": "Sample Name text." } } ], "NondrugItems": [ { "Id": 17, "Name": "Sample Name text.", "RouteOfAdministration": { "Id": 18, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "DoseForm": { "Id": 19, "Name": "Sample Name text." } }, { "Id": 20, "Name": "Sample Name text.", "RouteOfAdministration": { "Id": 21, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "DoseForm": { "Id": 22, "Name": "Sample Name text." } } ] }, "PackageIds": [ 23, 24 ], "PrivateLabel": true, "Repackaged": true, "CMSId": 25, "RxNormList": [ { "RxCUI": 2, "Name": "Sample Name text.", "Type": "Sample Type text.", "PSN": [ "Sample PSN text.", "Sample PSN text." ], "TMSY": [ "Sample TMSY text.", "Sample TMSY text." ], "SY": [ "Sample SY text.", "Sample SY text." ] }, { "RxCUI": 2, "Name": "Sample Name text.", "Type": "Sample Type text.", "PSN": [ "Sample PSN text.", "Sample PSN text." ], "TMSY": [ "Sample TMSY text.", "Sample TMSY text." ], "SY": [ "Sample SY text.", "Sample SY text." ] } ], "BulkChemical": true, "AGSBeersCriteriaItems": [ { "RationalId": 26, "RationalText": "Sample RationalText text.", "QualityOfEvidenceId": 27, "QualityOfEvidenceText": "Sample QualityOfEvidenceText text.", "StrengthOfRecommendationId": 28, "StrengthOfRecommendationText": "Sample StrengthOfRecommendationText text.", "TherapeuticCategoryOrganSystemId": 29, "TherapeuticCategoryOrganSystemText": "Sample TherapeuticCategoryOrganSystemText text.", "DiseaseSyndromeStatementId": 30, "DiseaseSyndromeStatementText": "Sample DiseaseSyndromeStatementText text.", "DiseaseSyndromeCategoryId": 31, "DiseaseSyndromeCategoryText": "Sample DiseaseSyndromeCategoryText text.", "ModifierAId": 32, "ModifierAText": "Sample ModifierAText text.", "ModifierBId": 33, "ModifierBText": "Sample ModifierBText text.", "AvoidCautionId": 34, "AvoidCautionText": "Sample AvoidCautionText text.", "TableName": "Sample TableName text.", "TableDescription": "Sample TableDescription text.", "ProfessionalNotes": "Sample ProfessionalNotes text." }, { "RationalId": 35, "RationalText": "Sample RationalText text.", "QualityOfEvidenceId": 36, "QualityOfEvidenceText": "Sample QualityOfEvidenceText text.", "StrengthOfRecommendationId": 37, "StrengthOfRecommendationText": "Sample StrengthOfRecommendationText text.", "TherapeuticCategoryOrganSystemId": 38, "TherapeuticCategoryOrganSystemText": "Sample TherapeuticCategoryOrganSystemText text.", "DiseaseSyndromeStatementId": 39, "DiseaseSyndromeStatementText": "Sample DiseaseSyndromeStatementText text.", "DiseaseSyndromeCategoryId": 40, "DiseaseSyndromeCategoryText": "Sample DiseaseSyndromeCategoryText text.", "ModifierAId": 41, "ModifierAText": "Sample ModifierAText text.", "ModifierBId": 42, "ModifierBText": "Sample ModifierBText text.", "AvoidCautionId": 43, "AvoidCautionText": "Sample AvoidCautionText text.", "TableName": "Sample TableName text.", "TableDescription": "Sample TableDescription text.", "ProfessionalNotes": "Sample ProfessionalNotes text." } ], "ProductModifiers": [ { "ProductModifierId": 44, "ProductModiferName": "Sample ProductModiferName text.", "ProductModifierTypeId": 45, "ProductModiferTypeName": "Sample ProductModiferTypeName text." }, { "ProductModifierId": 46, "ProductModiferName": "Sample ProductModiferName text.", "ProductModifierTypeId": 47, "ProductModiferTypeName": "Sample ProductModiferTypeName text." } ], "ProductNameLong": "Sample ProductNameLong text.", "ProductNameType": "Sample ProductNameType text.", "ProductNameShort": "Sample ProductNameShort text.", "Marketer": "Sample Marketer text.", "LegendStatus": "Sample LegendStatus text.", "BrandGenericStatus": "Sample BrandGenericStatus text.", "FederalDEAClass": "Sample FederalDEAClass text.", "ReplacedByProductId": 48, "LicenseType": "Sample LicenseType text.", "MarketStatus": "OffMarket", "IngredientStrengthRouteFormInfo": [ { "Ingredient": { "Id": 49, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "Strength": 1.234, "StrengthUnitCode": "Sample StrengthUnitCode text.", "PerVolume": 1.234, "PerVolumeUnitCode": "Sample PerVolumeUnitCode text.", "Route": { "Id": 50, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "FDAForm": { "Id": 51, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "GSForm": { "Id": 52, "Name": "Sample Name text." } }, { "Ingredient": { "Id": 53, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "Strength": 1.234, "StrengthUnitCode": "Sample StrengthUnitCode text.", "PerVolume": 1.234, "PerVolumeUnitCode": "Sample PerVolumeUnitCode text.", "Route": { "Id": 54, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "FDAForm": { "Id": 55, "Name": "Sample Name text." }, "GSForm": { "Id": 56, "Name": "Sample Name text." } } ] }