NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
AllergyClassInteractions A collection representing the allergy class interactions for the drugs passed in. An allergy class interaction means that a supplied drug contains an ingredient that shares an allergy class with an ingredient that is also contained in a stated allergen in the AllergyIdentifiers collection. If this collection is empty or null, there are no allergy class interactions for the drugs passed in. Collection of AllergyClassAllergies


CrossSensitiveAllergyInteractions A collection representing the cross sensitive allergy interactions for the drugs passed in. A cross sensitive allergy interaction means that a supplied drug contains an ingredient related to an allergy substance class having a cross-sensitivity record to an ingredient that is also contained in a stated allergen in the AllergyIdentifiers collection. If this collection is empty or null, there are no cross sensitive allergy interactions for the drugs passed in. Collection of CrossSensitiveAllergies


DirectAllergyInteractions A collection representing the direct allergy interactions for the drugs passed in. A direct allergy interaction means that a supplied drug contains an active ingredient that is also contained in a stated allergen in the AllergyIdentifiers collection. Additionally, if a supplied drug matches directly with a drug passed as an allergen in the AllergyIdentifiers, then a direct allergy is returned. If this collection is empty or null, there are no direct allergy interactions for the drugs passed in. Collection of DirectAllergy


IngredientFamilyAllergyInteractions A collection representing the ingredient family allergy interactions for the drugs passed in. Ingredient families are a collection of different salts of an identical base ingredient. An ingredient family allergy interaction means that a supplied drug contains an ingredient that has the same base ingredient as an ingredient that is also contained in a stated allergen in the AllergyIdentifiers collection. If this collection is empty or null, there are no ingredient family allergy interactions for the drugs passed in. Collection of IngredientFamilyAllergy


DrugId The drug identifier that was screened for possible interactions. ClinicalDrugIdentifier


DrugName The drug name that was screened for possible interactions. string


RequestSource The source of the interaction drug's origin (PrescribingDrugs or PrescribedDrugs collection). PrescribedSourceEnum
