NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
Name The textual name for the age band (e.g., Adult, Adolescent). string


MinAge The minimum age for the age band. DoseCheckAge


MaxAge The maximum age for the age band. DoseCheckAge


MinGestationalAge (for premature neonatal age band) the minimum gestational age parameters for the age band. Dose Check allows for consideration of infants that are born prematurely to provide enhanced patient safety. GSDD accomplishes this by the use of gestational age in addition to date of birth in premature infants below the age of 180 days. DoseCheckAge


MaxGestationalAge (for premature neonatal age band) Returns the maximum gestational age parameters for the age band. Dose Check allows for consideration of infants that are born prematurely to provide enhanced patient safety. GSDD accomplishes this by the use of gestational age in addition to date of birth in premature infants below the age of 180 days. DoseCheckAge
