Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Indication | The requested indication identifier information. | ConditionIdentifierInfo |
Required |
OnLabelDrugs | A collection of drug identifiers indicated for the condition on label. | Collection of DrugDiseaseIndicatedDrugInfo |
None. |
OffLabelDrugs | A collection of drug identifiers indicated for the condition off label. | Collection of DrugDiseaseIndicatedDrugInfo |
None. |
AgeExclusions | A collection of indicated drug information excluded because of age. | Collection of DrugDiseaseIndicatedDrugInfo |
None. |
AllergyExclusions | A collection of indicated drug information excluded because of allergies. | Collection of DrugDiseaseIndicatedDrugInfo |
None. |
GenderExclusions | A collection of indicated drug information excluded because of gender. | Collection of DrugDiseaseIndicatedDrugInfo |
None. |
ContraindicatedExclusions | A collection of drug information excluded because of contraindication. | Collection of DrugDiseaseIndicatedDrugInfo |
None. |
Message | Message text, if applicable. | string |
None. |
Represents detailed drug (on and off label) and exclusion information for an indication.