Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
ProductId | The internally assigned numeric product identifier. | integer |
Required |
ProductNameLong | Product long name text | string |
None. |
ItemDescription | The textual description for the drug or nondrug item. | string |
None. |
ActiveIngredients | Returns the output parameters for the active ingredient(s). | Collection of IdentifierName |
None. |
DosageForm | Returns the output parameters for the Gold Standard dosage form. | IdentifierName |
None. |
Manufacturer | The manufacture, or company, name. | string |
None. |
Colors | Returns the output parameters for the color(s). | Collection of IdentifierName |
None. |
ImprintTextSide1 | The markings, or imprint, on one side of the oral solid (if available). | string |
None. |
ImprintTextSide2 | The markings, or imprint, on the second side of the oral solid (if available). | string |
None. |
Scoring | The scoring (scored or unscored). | ScoringEnum |
None. |
Shape | Returns the output parameters for the shape. | IdentifierName |
None. |
Images | Returns the ImageId and the ImageType output parameters (package, drug_item, or nondrug_item). | Collection of ImageIdentifier |
None. |
Message | ProductIdentifier message text (if applicable). | string |
None. |
Represensts product identifier search result information.