POST api/DoseCheckInfo
Retrieves dosage information for a given drug identifier.
Returns minimum, maximum, and usual dosing amount information to be administered by age band.
Returns the numeric identifier for the associated Gold Standard Professional Drug Monograph’s ‘Max Dosage Limits Section’ for the drug, if licensed.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
DoseCheckInfoRequestName | Description | Type | Additional information |
DrugId | The drug identifier. | PedcDrugIdentifier |
Required |
ProductModifierId | The product modifier identifier, if applicable. | integer |
None. |
DoseInfo | Used to filter the drug dose information returned by category and/or continuous infusion. | DoseCheckInfoDose |
None. |
PatientInfo | Patient information for dose. If supplied, only records matching the patient information are returned. Otherwise, all dose check information for the drug identifier is returned. | DoseCheckPatientInfo |
None. |
AccessToken |
Temporary access token from the GSDD Auth API.
Used to validate your license.
Note: Access tokens are temporary and may be invalidated early for various reasons, including—but not limited to—site maintenance and security updates. If a token is invalidated prematurely, simply request new tokens via the AccessToken method in the GSDD Auth API. This is a rather rare occurrence, but should be planned for and handled by the consuming application. |
string |
Required |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "DrugId": { "IdType": "SpecificProductId", "Id": "1" }, "ProductModifierId": 2, "DoseInfo": { "DoseCategory": "Load", "ContinuousInfusion": true }, "PatientInfo": { "DateOfBirth": "2025-03-08", "GestationalAge": 1, "PatientExperience": "Experienced", "Weight": 1.234, "BodySurfaceArea": 1.234, "CrCl": 4, "CrClRate": "mlPerMinPer173mSq", "ChildPughScore": "B" }, "AccessToken": "T25lX0hhcHB5X0FuZF9TYXRpc2ZpZWRfR1NERF9DdXN0b21lcl9TYW1wbGVfQWNjZXNzVG9rZW4=" }
Response Information
Resource Description
DoseCheckInfoResponseName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Message |
If applicable, the error or no data reason messages.
If no Age Band, Lifetime Max, and Monograph Section ID data are returned; the Message will be set. |
Collection of string |
None. |
AgeBands |
A collection of Ingredient and/or Specific Product dosing information grouped by age band.
If no Age Band information is returned, the Message will be set. |
Collection of DoseCheckAgeBand |
None. |
LifetimeMax |
A collection of Lifetime Max dosing information.
Lifetime Max refers to maximum total dose of the drug ingredient that can be given over the course of a patient’s lifetime.
Lifetime maximum dosing is only provided for the adult/geriatric population (ages 18+), if applicable. |
Collection of DoseCheckLifetimeMaxInfo |
None. |
HepaticImpairmentMayRequireDoseAdjustment | If ‘true’, indicates that the dose may need to be adjusted. | boolean |
Required |
RenalImpairmentMayRequireDoseAdjustment | If ‘true’, indicates that the dose may need to be adjusted. | boolean |
Required |
MonographSectionId |
Numeric section identifier for the “Max Dosage Limits” section from the Professional Monograph, if applicable.
The Monograph Section ID may still be null if Age Band data is returned. |
integer |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Message": [ "Sample Message text.", "Sample Message text." ], "AgeBands": [ { "AgeBandID": 1, "AgeBandName": "Sample AgeBandName text.", "MinAge": { "AgeUnit": "Week", "Value": 2 }, "MaxAge": { "AgeUnit": "Week", "Value": 2 }, "MinGestationalAge": { "AgeUnit": "Week", "Value": 2 }, "MaxGestationalAge": { "AgeUnit": "Week", "Value": 2 }, "WeightGroup": { "WeightGroupName": "Sample WeightGroupName text.", "WeightGroupMin": 1.234, "WeightGroupMax": 1.234, "WeightGroupUnit": "Sample WeightGroupUnit text." }, "Message": [ "Sample Message text.", "Sample Message text." ], "IngredientDoseInfo": [ { "IngredientID": 2, "IngredientName": "Sample IngredientName text.", "GenericProductClinicalID": 3, "GenericProductClinicalName": "Sample GenericProductClinicalName text.", "PatientExperience": "Experienced", "DosingCategory": "Load", "DosingType": "Weight", "Message": [ "Sample Message text.", "Sample Message text." ], "DosingValues": { "MinDose": 1.234, "FDAMaxDose": 1.234, "PracticeMaxDose": 1.234, "SingleMaxDose": 1.234, "DailyNotToExceedMaxDose": 1.234, "UsualDose": 1.234, "UnitCode": "mL", "Frequency": 8, "Interval": 9, "ContinuousInfusionTimeUnit": "Hour" }, "CalculatedDosingValues": { "MinCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "FDAMaxCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "PracticeMaxCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "SingleMaxCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "SingleMaxDose": 1.234, "DailyNotToExceedMaxDose": 1.234, "UsualCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "Unit": "mL", "Frequency": 4, "Interval": 5, "ContinuousInfusionTimeUnit": "Hour" }, "CrCl": { "CrClMinValue": 2, "CrClMaxValue": 30, "CrClRate": "mlPerMinPer173mSq" }, "ChildPughScore": "B" }, { "IngredientID": 4, "IngredientName": "Sample IngredientName text.", "GenericProductClinicalID": 5, "GenericProductClinicalName": "Sample GenericProductClinicalName text.", "PatientExperience": "Experienced", "DosingCategory": "Load", "DosingType": "Weight", "Message": [ "Sample Message text.", "Sample Message text." ], "DosingValues": { "MinDose": 1.234, "FDAMaxDose": 1.234, "PracticeMaxDose": 1.234, "SingleMaxDose": 1.234, "DailyNotToExceedMaxDose": 1.234, "UsualDose": 1.234, "UnitCode": "mL", "Frequency": 8, "Interval": 9, "ContinuousInfusionTimeUnit": "Hour" }, "CalculatedDosingValues": { "MinCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "FDAMaxCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "PracticeMaxCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "SingleMaxCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "SingleMaxDose": 1.234, "DailyNotToExceedMaxDose": 1.234, "UsualCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "Unit": "mL", "Frequency": 4, "Interval": 5, "ContinuousInfusionTimeUnit": "Hour" }, "CrCl": { "CrClMinValue": 2, "CrClMaxValue": 30, "CrClRate": "mlPerMinPer173mSq" }, "ChildPughScore": "B" } ], "SpecificProductDoseInfo": [ { "SpecificProductID": 6, "SpecificProductName": "Sample SpecificProductName text.", "ProductModifierID": 7, "ProductModifierName": "Sample ProductModifierName text.", "PatientExperience": "Experienced", "DosingCategory": "Load", "Message": [ "Sample Message text.", "Sample Message text." ], "DosingValues": { "MinDose": 1.234, "FDAMaxDose": 1.234, "PracticeMaxDose": 1.234, "SingleMaxDose": 1.234, "DailyNotToExceedMaxDose": 1.234, "UsualDose": 1.234, "UnitCode": "mL", "Frequency": 8, "Interval": 9, "ContinuousInfusionTimeUnit": "Hour" } }, { "SpecificProductID": 8, "SpecificProductName": "Sample SpecificProductName text.", "ProductModifierID": 9, "ProductModifierName": "Sample ProductModifierName text.", "PatientExperience": "Experienced", "DosingCategory": "Load", "Message": [ "Sample Message text.", "Sample Message text." ], "DosingValues": { "MinDose": 1.234, "FDAMaxDose": 1.234, "PracticeMaxDose": 1.234, "SingleMaxDose": 1.234, "DailyNotToExceedMaxDose": 1.234, "UsualDose": 1.234, "UnitCode": "mL", "Frequency": 8, "Interval": 9, "ContinuousInfusionTimeUnit": "Hour" } } ] }, { "AgeBandID": 10, "AgeBandName": "Sample AgeBandName text.", "MinAge": { "AgeUnit": "Week", "Value": 1 }, "MaxAge": { "AgeUnit": "Week", "Value": 1 }, "MinGestationalAge": { "AgeUnit": "Week", "Value": 1 }, "MaxGestationalAge": { "AgeUnit": "Week", "Value": 1 }, "WeightGroup": { "WeightGroupName": "Sample WeightGroupName text.", "WeightGroupMin": 1.234, "WeightGroupMax": 1.234, "WeightGroupUnit": "Sample WeightGroupUnit text." }, "Message": [ "Sample Message text.", "Sample Message text." ], "IngredientDoseInfo": [ { "IngredientID": 11, "IngredientName": "Sample IngredientName text.", "GenericProductClinicalID": 12, "GenericProductClinicalName": "Sample GenericProductClinicalName text.", "PatientExperience": "Experienced", "DosingCategory": "Load", "DosingType": "Weight", "Message": [ "Sample Message text.", "Sample Message text." ], "DosingValues": { "MinDose": 1.234, "FDAMaxDose": 1.234, "PracticeMaxDose": 1.234, "SingleMaxDose": 1.234, "DailyNotToExceedMaxDose": 1.234, "UsualDose": 1.234, "UnitCode": "mg", "Frequency": 7, "Interval": 8, "ContinuousInfusionTimeUnit": "Hour" }, "CalculatedDosingValues": { "MinCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "FDAMaxCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "PracticeMaxCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "SingleMaxCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "SingleMaxDose": 1.234, "DailyNotToExceedMaxDose": 1.234, "UsualCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "Unit": "mg", "Frequency": 3, "Interval": 4, "ContinuousInfusionTimeUnit": "Hour" }, "CrCl": { "CrClMinValue": 1, "CrClMaxValue": 20, "CrClRate": "mlPerMinPer173mSq" }, "ChildPughScore": "B" }, { "IngredientID": 13, "IngredientName": "Sample IngredientName text.", "GenericProductClinicalID": 14, "GenericProductClinicalName": "Sample GenericProductClinicalName text.", "PatientExperience": "Experienced", "DosingCategory": "Load", "DosingType": "Weight", "Message": [ "Sample Message text.", "Sample Message text." ], "DosingValues": { "MinDose": 1.234, "FDAMaxDose": 1.234, "PracticeMaxDose": 1.234, "SingleMaxDose": 1.234, "DailyNotToExceedMaxDose": 1.234, "UsualDose": 1.234, "UnitCode": "mg", "Frequency": 7, "Interval": 8, "ContinuousInfusionTimeUnit": "Hour" }, "CalculatedDosingValues": { "MinCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "FDAMaxCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "PracticeMaxCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "SingleMaxCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "SingleMaxDose": 1.234, "DailyNotToExceedMaxDose": 1.234, "UsualCalculated": { "Formula": "Sample Formula text.", "CalculatedDose": 1.234 }, "Unit": "mg", "Frequency": 3, "Interval": 4, "ContinuousInfusionTimeUnit": "Hour" }, "CrCl": { "CrClMinValue": 1, "CrClMaxValue": 20, "CrClRate": "mlPerMinPer173mSq" }, "ChildPughScore": "B" } ], "SpecificProductDoseInfo": [ { "SpecificProductID": 15, "SpecificProductName": "Sample SpecificProductName text.", "ProductModifierID": 16, "ProductModifierName": "Sample ProductModifierName text.", "PatientExperience": "Experienced", "DosingCategory": "Load", "Message": [ "Sample Message text.", "Sample Message text." ], "DosingValues": { "MinDose": 1.234, "FDAMaxDose": 1.234, "PracticeMaxDose": 1.234, "SingleMaxDose": 1.234, "DailyNotToExceedMaxDose": 1.234, "UsualDose": 1.234, "UnitCode": "mg", "Frequency": 7, "Interval": 8, "ContinuousInfusionTimeUnit": "Hour" } }, { "SpecificProductID": 17, "SpecificProductName": "Sample SpecificProductName text.", "ProductModifierID": 18, "ProductModifierName": "Sample ProductModifierName text.", "PatientExperience": "Experienced", "DosingCategory": "Load", "Message": [ "Sample Message text.", "Sample Message text." ], "DosingValues": { "MinDose": 1.234, "FDAMaxDose": 1.234, "PracticeMaxDose": 1.234, "SingleMaxDose": 1.234, "DailyNotToExceedMaxDose": 1.234, "UsualDose": 1.234, "UnitCode": "mg", "Frequency": 7, "Interval": 8, "ContinuousInfusionTimeUnit": "Hour" } } ] } ], "LifetimeMax": [ { "IngredientId": 19, "IngredientName": "Sample IngredientName text.", "Value": 1.234, "Unit": "mL" }, { "IngredientId": 20, "IngredientName": "Sample IngredientName text.", "Value": 1.234, "Unit": "mg" } ], "HepaticImpairmentMayRequireDoseAdjustment": true, "RenalImpairmentMayRequireDoseAdjustment": true, "MonographSectionId": 21 }