POST api/DoseCheckScreening
Screens dose information for a given drug identifier based on supplied patient information.
Indicates whether supplied dosing information is below the minimum dose, above the maximum dose, or within a normal range for a given identifier.
Returns the numeric identifier for the associated Gold Standard Professional Drug Monograph’s ‘Max Dosage Limits Section’ for the drug, if licensed.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
DoseCheckScreeningRequestName | Description | Type | Additional information |
DrugId | The drug identifier. | PedcDrugIdentifier |
Required |
ProductModifierId | The product modifier identifier, if applicable. | integer |
None. |
Dose | Dose information to check or screen. | DoseCheckScreeningDose |
Required |
PatientInfo | Patient information needed for dose check screening. | DoseCheckPatientInfo |
Required |
AccessToken |
Temporary access token from the GSDD Auth API.
Used to validate your license.
Note: Access tokens are temporary and may be invalidated early for various reasons, including—but not limited to—site maintenance and security updates. If a token is invalidated prematurely, simply request new tokens via the AccessToken method in the GSDD Auth API. This is a rather rare occurrence, but should be planned for and handled by the consuming application. |
string |
Required |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "DrugId": { "IdType": "SpecificProductId", "Id": "1" }, "ProductModifierId": 2, "Dose": { "Quantity": 1.234, "UnitCode": "mg", "Frequency": 2, "Interval": 3, "DosingCategory": "Load", "ContinuousInfusion": true, "ContinuousInfusionTimeUnit": "Hour" }, "PatientInfo": { "DateOfBirth": "2025-03-08", "GestationalAge": 1, "PatientExperience": "Experienced", "Weight": 1.234, "BodySurfaceArea": 1.234, "CrCl": 4, "CrClRate": "mlPerMinPer173mSq", "ChildPughScore": "B" }, "AccessToken": "T25lX0hhcHB5X0FuZF9TYXRpc2ZpZWRfR1NERF9DdXN0b21lcl9TYW1wbGVfQWNjZXNzVG9rZW4=" }
Response Information
Resource Description
DoseCheckScreeningResponseName | Description | Type | Additional information |
ScreeningResult | Screening result. | DoseCheckScreeningResultEnum |
Required |
Message | Textual description of the screening result. | Collection of string |
Required |
AboveFDAMax | If “True”, exceeds the maximum FDA-approved dose. If there is no FDA max data, then this will be null. If this is "true", then the ScreeningResult value will be "Above". | boolean |
None. |
AbovePracticeMax | If “True”, exceeds a maximum dose that is used off-label in clinical practice. If there is no clinical practice data, then this will be null. If this is "true", then the ScreeningResult value will be "Above". | boolean |
None. |
AboveSingleDoseMax | If “True”, exceeds the maximum dose to be administered as a single dose. If there is no single dose max data, then this will be null. If this is "true", then the ScreeningResult value will be "Above". | boolean |
None. |
AboveDailyNotToExceedMax | If ”True”, exceeds the maximum daily dose. If there is no daily not to exceed data, then this will be null. If this is "true", then the ScreeningResult value will be "Above". | boolean |
None. |
HepaticImpairmentMayRequireDoseAdjustment | If ‘true’, indicates that the dose may need to be adjusted. | boolean |
Required |
RenalImpairmentMayRequireDoseAdjustment | If ‘true’, indicates that the dose may need to be adjusted. | boolean |
Required |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "ScreeningResult": "Above", "Message": [ "Sample Message text.", "Sample Message text." ], "AboveFDAMax": true, "AbovePracticeMax": true, "AboveSingleDoseMax": true, "AboveDailyNotToExceedMax": true, "HepaticImpairmentMayRequireDoseAdjustment": true, "RenalImpairmentMayRequireDoseAdjustment": true }