POST api/ProductIdentifier

Provides functionality to help identify unknown oral solid drug products (tablets and capsules), based on a supplied set of values. Information returned comes directly from the manufacturer’s product labeling and description.

Accepts imprint/markings, colors, shapes, dosage forms, and/or scoring identifiers--any identifiable physical characteristics--as inputs. The more information that is included in a search, the more refined or targeted your results will be.

Returns all possible matches listed alphabetically by product name, along with manufacturer name, active ingredient(s) and strength(s) followed by a description of the product.

When available, the ProductIdentifier method returns the Image Identifier and the Image Type of the oral solid. This data can then be used with the GET Image method request to retrieve the image file. (NOTE: The GET Image method is available if you are licensed for the GSDD Product Images API module)

Also includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned.

Request Information

URI Parameters


Body Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
ImprintSide1 Enter the imprint from the first side of the oral solid. If you do not specify a filter, the method returns all values. The imprint (or marking) information from one or both sides of an oral solid tablet or capsule can be entered into the search. Accepts full or partial (with a wildcard ‘%’) entries for each side. If the imprint/marking contains spaces, the spaces are ignored in the search. If you want to search by manufacturer logo, type ”logo” in markingSide 1 or markingSide 2 Enter the imprint from the first side of the oral solid. Not entering any marking value returns all marking results for your search criteria. The system searches for all combinations of the entered characters, with and without spaces (e.g., ‘729’, ‘7 29’, ‘72 9’). Suggestion: enter in all the letters or all the numbers if you are uncertain about the spacing. string


ImprintSide2 Enter the information from the second side of the oral solid. If you do not specify a filter, the method returns all values. The imprint (or marking) information from one or both sides of an oral solid tablet or capsule can be entered into the search. Accepts full or partial (with a wildcard ‘%’) entries for each side. If the imprint/marking contains spaces, the spaces are ignored in the search. If you want to search by manufacturer logo, type ”logo” in markingSide 1 or markingSide 2 Enter the imprint from the second side of the oral solid. Not entering any marking value returns all marking results for your search criteria. The system searches for all combinations of the entered characters, with and without spaces (e.g., ‘729’, ‘7 29’, ‘72 9’). Suggestion: enter in all the letters or all the numbers if you are uncertain about the spacing. string


Scoring The scoring name. ScoringEnum


DoseFormId Internally assigned number representing the Gold Standard dosage form of drug items. Gold Standard dosage forms are unique to the drug item and do not combine multiple dosage forms or non-drug items into the dosage form record. If you do not specify a filter, the method returns all values. integer


ColorIds The internal identifier representing the color. Not entering any ColorId value returns all color results for your search criteria. Collection of integer


ShapeId The internal identifier representing the shape name. Not entering any ShapeId value returns all shape results for your search criteria. integer


AccessToken Temporary access token from the GSDD Auth API. Used to validate your license.

Note: Access tokens are temporary and may be invalidated early for various reasons, including—but not limited to—site maintenance and security updates. If a token is invalidated prematurely, simply request new tokens via the AccessToken method in the GSDD Auth API. This is a rather rare occurrence, but should be planned for and handled by the consuming application.


Request Formats

application/json, text/json

  "ImprintSide1": "Sample ImprintSide1 text.",
  "ImprintSide2": "Sample ImprintSide2 text.",
  "Scoring": "Scored",
  "DoseFormId": 1,
  "ColorIds": [
  "ShapeId": 4,
  "AccessToken": "T25lX0hhcHB5X0FuZF9TYXRpc2ZpZWRfR1NERF9DdXN0b21lcl9TYW1wbGVfQWNjZXNzVG9rZW4="

Response Information

Resource Description

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
Products Returns the output parameters for the product details, based on supplied input. Collection of ProductIdentifierSearchResult


Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "Products": [
      "ProductId": 1,
      "ProductNameLong": "Sample ProductNameLong text.",
      "ItemDescription": "Sample ItemDescription text.",
      "ActiveIngredients": [
          "Id": 2,
          "Name": "Sample Name text."
          "Id": 3,
          "Name": "Sample Name text."
      "DosageForm": {
        "Id": 4,
        "Name": "Sample Name text."
      "Manufacturer": "Sample Manufacturer text.",
      "Colors": [
          "Id": 5,
          "Name": "Sample Name text."
          "Id": 6,
          "Name": "Sample Name text."
      "ImprintTextSide1": "Sample ImprintTextSide1 text.",
      "ImprintTextSide2": "Sample ImprintTextSide2 text.",
      "Scoring": "Scored",
      "Shape": {
        "Id": 7,
        "Name": "Sample Name text."
      "Images": [
          "Id": 8,
          "IdType": "DrugItem"
          "Id": 9,
          "IdType": "DrugItem"
      "Message": "Sample Message text."
      "ProductId": 10,
      "ProductNameLong": "Sample ProductNameLong text.",
      "ItemDescription": "Sample ItemDescription text.",
      "ActiveIngredients": [
          "Id": 11,
          "Name": "Sample Name text."
          "Id": 12,
          "Name": "Sample Name text."
      "DosageForm": {
        "Id": 13,
        "Name": "Sample Name text."
      "Manufacturer": "Sample Manufacturer text.",
      "Colors": [
          "Id": 14,
          "Name": "Sample Name text."
          "Id": 15,
          "Name": "Sample Name text."
      "ImprintTextSide1": "Sample ImprintTextSide1 text.",
      "ImprintTextSide2": "Sample ImprintTextSide2 text.",
      "Scoring": "Scored",
      "Shape": {
        "Id": 16,
        "Name": "Sample Name text."
      "Images": [
          "Id": 17,
          "IdType": "DrugItem"
          "Id": 18,
          "IdType": "DrugItem"
      "Message": "Sample Message text."