API | Description |
POST api/ADRAdverseReactionsByDrug |
Returns all adverse reactions (side-effects) associated with the requested drug or drug concept, and identifies whether or not the adverse drug reaction includes a black box warning. |
API | Description |
POST api/ADRAdverseReactionsByDrugClassification |
An informational method that provides the ability to identify a drug contained within a given market class that does not exhibit the specified undesirable adverse drug reaction. |
API | Description |
POST api/ADRDrugsByAdverseReaction |
Returns details for drugs that may cause given adverse reactions. |
API | Description |
POST api/ADRDrugsByDiagnosis |
Returns information about drugs indicated for a particular disease. Provides associated drug related adverse drug reaction information. |
API | Description |
POST api/ADRMatchDrugsToAdverseReactions |
Matches a patient’s complete list of drugs, along with the patient’s adverse drug reactions. Identifies matches between a given drug and its adverse drug reactions. Provides outliers (such as 'drugs with no ADR', 'ADRs with no drugs', or 'unidentified ids'). |
API | Description |
POST api/ContentMonographDocument |
Returns all sections of either the Adult (General) or Pediatric/Neonatal monograph related to a drug/product/item, based on supplied filters. A Pediatric filter allows you to identify whether to return Adult (General) or Pediatric/Neonatal monographs. |
API | Description |
POST api/ContentMonographSection |
The ContentMonographSection method returns a specific section of a professional drug monograph, based on a supplied numeric MonographSectionId input parameter.
MonographSectionId values are returned in the ContentMonographDocument API method.
Also works in conjunction with Dose Check, Drug Disease, and Adverse Drug Reactions API method results.
API | Description |
POST api/ContentPatientEducation |
The ContentPatientEducation method returns a Patient Education Sheet.
All formatting and special characters have been removed from the sheet to allow for customization and to enable use in mainframe terminal systems without web browser technology.
API | Description |
POST api/ContentPatientEducationStatements |
The ContentPatientEducationStatements method returns the Patient Education Sheet statements.
All formatting and special characters have been removed from the sheet to allow for customization and to enable use in mainframe terminal systems without web browser technology.
API | Description |
POST api/DetailPackage |
The DetailPackage method returns detailed package information for a supplied package identifier, including route of administration and dose form. Additionally returns the external identifiers (NDC10, NDC11, UPC) associated to the package. Optionally returns AGS BEERs Criteria information regarding potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) for older adults (if available) |
API | Description |
POST api/DetailProduct |
The DetailProduct method returns all detailed product information for a supplied product identifier, including route of administration and dose form. Returns the external identifiers (NDC9) associated to the Product. Provides a list of all RxNorm CUIs associated to the product. Identifies whether the product is a bulk chemical (not a drug product). Optionally returns AGS BEERs Criteria information regarding potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) for older adults (if available) |
API | Description |
POST api/DoseCheckByIngredient |
WARNING: This method is now deprecated and will be removed from the next major GSDD release.
Use DoseCheckInfo or DoseCheckScreening instead.
API | Description |
POST api/DoseCheckBySpecificProduct |
WARNING: This method is now deprecated and will be removed from the next major GSDD release.
Use DoseCheckInfo or DoseCheckScreening instead.
API | Description |
POST api/DoseCheckInfo |
Retrieves dosage information for a given drug identifier. Returns minimum, maximum, and usual dosing amount information to be administered by age band. Returns the numeric identifier for the associated Gold Standard Professional Drug Monograph’s ‘Max Dosage Limits Section’ for the drug, if licensed. |
API | Description |
POST api/DoseCheckScreening |
Screens dose information for a given drug identifier based on supplied patient information. Indicates whether supplied dosing information is below the minimum dose, above the maximum dose, or within a normal range for a given identifier. Returns the numeric identifier for the associated Gold Standard Professional Drug Monograph’s ‘Max Dosage Limits Section’ for the drug, if licensed. |
API | Description |
POST api/DrugDiseaseContraindicationsByDrug |
Returns contraindication and precaution information for requested drug concepts. |
API | Description |
POST api/DrugDiseaseDrugsByContraindication |
Returns a list of drugs that are contraindicated for conditions for which a patient has been diagnosed. Categorizes results by requested drug identifier and name, and clearly identifies which requested drugs are associated to which contraindications. |
API | Description |
POST api/DrugDiseaseDrugsByIndication |
Returns a list of drugs that can be used to treat specific indications. Identifies drugs that are excluded due to optional input provided by user, including allergies, gender etc. Returns drug diagnosis details for each diagnosis entered in the request by diagnosis, and identifies which drugs are associated to which indications. |
API | Description |
POST api/DrugDiseaseIndicationsByDrug |
Returns indications that can be treated using a specific drug. Identifies drugs that are excluded due to optional input provided by user. Returns all specific products that match or are related to the drug identifier(s) entered in the request, categorized by the Drug Identifier, and clearly identifies which drugs are associated to which indications. |
API | Description |
POST api/DrugDiseaseMatchDrugToDiagnosis |
Identifies drug therapy and the associated diagnosis. Additionally identifies drug therapy with no associated diagnoses and diagnoses with no associated drug therapy. Identifies all specific products that match or are related to the drug identifiers entered in the request. Identifies one or more items from both the list of drug identifiers and the list of indications, then compares each drug to each diagnosis, and each diagnosis to each drug through Gold Standard (GS) indication to find matches. Checks for editorial exclusion using the associated Generic Product Clinical concept, and then looks up all GS indications found for the drug (either by Specific Product Id or Generic Product Climical Id). Categorizes results by drug identifier and name, and clearly identifies which drugs are associated to which indications. |
API | Description |
POST api/DrugDiseaseScreening |
Validates that all entered drugs have associated diagnoses. Identifies drugs that do not have a corresponding diagnosis. Identifies diagnoses that do not have corresponding drugs. Additionally identifies patient contraindications to drugs, so those drugs are not accidentally prescribed. Checks for editorial exclusion using the associated Generic Product Clinical, and then looks up all Gold Standard (GS) indications found for the drug (either by Specific Product Id or Generic Product Clinical Id). Categorizes results by drug identifier and name, and clearly identifies which drugs are associated to which contraindications. Provides a single response even if a user submits both the ICD9 and ICD10 for the same diagnosis. |
API | Description |
POST api/DrugLabInterferenceByDrug |
The DrugLabInterferenceByDrug method accepts a drug identifier as input and returns lab tests that are interfered with by the drug. For the supplied identifier, this method returns a distinct list of LOINC codes, grouped by interference type. If there is no data for the drug identifier, the method returns an appropriate message. The DrugLabInterferenceByDrug method also includes a ‘Maximum Results Returned’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/DrugLabInterferenceByLab |
The DrugLabInterferenceByLab method accepts a LOINC code as input and returns a list of all drugs that interfere with the lab test. For the supplied LOINC, this method returns a distinct list of Gold Standard Product Identifiers grouped by interference type. If there is no data for the LOINC, the method returns an appropriate message. The DrugLabInterferenceByLab method also includes a ‘Maximum Results Returned’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/DrugLabParametersToMonitor |
The DrugLabParametersToMonitor method accepts a drug identifier as input and returns suggested or recommended lab test codes for a drug. For the supplied identifier, this method returns LOINC and/or SNOMED codes grouped by monitoring parameters (Parameters to Monitor). If there is no data for the drug identifier, the method returns an appropriate message. Parameters to Monitor are clinically relevant physical qualities (e.g., blood pressure, audiometry) or lab tests (e.g., blood count, liver functions) that are suggested and that need to be overseen while on therapy. |
API | Description |
POST api/DrugToAllergy |
Evaluates all drugs passed into either the Prescribed or Prescribing collections against the allergen marker(s) passed into the allergy identifiers collection. Also provides ‘Alert Optimizer’ filtering options to reduce alert fatigue by suppressing alerts and/or excluding drug results based on individual clinician's preferences or by customizing results specific to a patient. |
API | Description |
POST api/DrugToDrug |
Checks for possible drug interactions between all drugs passed in by comparing the active ingredients. Compares all active ingredients and their route of administration against all other ingredient/route combinations for all drugs passed into the request. Also provides ‘Alert Optimizer’ filtering options to reduce alert fatigue by suppressing alerts and/or excluding drug results based on individual clinician's preferences or by customizing results specific to a patient. |
API | Description |
POST api/DrugToLifestyle |
Returns all documented drug-lifestyle interactions for each drug passed into the request. Requires no input of lifestyle factors to check for lifestyle interactions. Returns the Lifestyle concept involved in the interaction, as opposed to an interacting drug class. Also provides ‘Alert Optimizer’ filtering options to reduce alert fatigue by suppressing alerts and/or excluding drug results based on individual clinician's preferences or by customizing results specific to a patient. |
API | Description |
POST api/DrugToWarningLabel |
Returns all warning label information for each drug passed into the request. Also provides ‘Alert Optimizer’ filtering options to reduce alert fatigue by suppressing alerts and/or excluding drug results based on individual clinician's preferences or by customizing results specific to a patient. |
API | Description |
POST api/DuplicateTherapy |
Compares all drugs passed into both the Prescribed and Prescribing collections between and among each other for potential duplication of therapy. Returns five different levels of potential duplication:
This method groups duplicate therapy alerts by drug. |
API | Description |
POST api/DuplicateTherapyScreening |
Screens all drugs passed into both the Prescribed and Prescribing collections between and among each other for potential duplication of therapy. Returns five different levels of potential duplication:
This method groups drugs by duplicate therapy alert. |
API | Description |
GET api/ExportPaperlessQRCodes?AccessToken={AccessToken} |
Returns current paperless QR codes as .png files in a .zip file. |
API | Description |
GET api/ExportTable?Name={Name}&ExportFormat={ExportFormat}&AccessToken={AccessToken} |
Returns an export table in the specified file format in a .zip file. |
API | Description |
GET api/ImageIdType?ImageId={ImageId}&ImageType={ImageType}&AccessToken={AccessToken} |
Gets package, drug item, and nondrug item images using the respective Gold Standard internal image identifier. |
API | Description |
GET api/ImageNdc11?NDC11={NDC11}&AccessToken={AccessToken} |
Gets package images using the 11-digit National Drug Code (NDC11) identifier. |
API | Description |
POST api/IVCompatibilityByDrug |
Returns IV compatibility information based on the supplied drug identifier(s) and input filters.
API | Description |
POST api/IVCompatibilityParenteralNutritionByDrug |
Returns IV compatibility information as Total Parental Nutrition (TPN) or Total Nutrient Admixture (TNA) based on the supplied drug identifier(s) and input filters.
API | Description |
POST api/IVCompatibilitySolutionsByDrug |
The IVCompatibilitySolutionsByDrug method returns IV compatibility information regarding solution(s)/diluents for dilution based on the supplied drug identifier(s) and input filters.
API | Description |
POST api/LactationAlternateDrugs |
Accepts one or more drug identifiers from a selection of identifier types as inputs. Returns pregnancy and lactation alternate drug therapy information based on the supplied drug identifier(s).
API | Description |
POST api/ListAGSBeersQualityOfEvidence |
Returns a list of AGS BEERs Criteria quality of evidence statements, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. The quality of evidence identifiers can then be used as input filters in the ListPackages and ListProducts methods. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListAGSBeersStrengthOfRecommendation |
Returns a list of AGS BEERs strength of recommendation statements for Potentially Inappropriate Medications (PIMs), along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. The strength of recommendation identifiers can then be used as input filters in the ListPackages and ListProducts methods. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListAllergySubstanceClasses |
Returns a list of all allergy substance classes used in the Gold Standard Drug Database, along with their internal identifiers. Results can be filtered by setting the NameFilter for the desired allergy substance class name. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListASPByPackage |
Returns the Centers for Medicare and Medicade Services (CMS) price--Average Sale Price (ASP) and Not Otherwise Classified (NOC)--and the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) information grouped by package for the input drug identifier. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListBrandGenericStatuses |
Returns a list of all brand and generic statuses in the Gold Standard Drug Database, along with their internal identifiers.
Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned.
API | Description |
POST api/ListCoatings |
Returns a list of all oral solid dosage form coatings used in the Gold Standard Drug Database, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. Coatings are linked to drug item versions and describe the type of external coating on the dosage form. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListColors |
Returns a list of all colors used to describe drug item versions used in the Gold Standard Drug Database, along with their internal identifiers. Also includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListCompanies |
Returns all the companies that market drug or non-drug products in the United States, along with their FDA-assigned labeler code, name, and internal Gold Standard Company Identifiers. Results can be filtered to a Company (or Marketer) name by setting the NameFilter parameter. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListDESIStatuses |
Returns the FDA-assigned DESI statuses, along with their internal identifiers.
Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned.
API | Description |
POST api/ListDocumentationTypes |
Returns the DrugToDrug and DrugToLifestyle interaction documentation values, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. Each drug or lifestyle interaction is assigned both a severity and documentation value in the interaction data. Documentation refers to the frequency in which an interaction is seen in literature. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListDoseForms |
Returns a list of all dose forms used in the Gold Standard Drug Database (GSDD), along with their internal identifiers.
Results can be filtered to a Dose Form Name, by setting the NameFilter parameter.
Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned.
API | Description |
POST api/ListDrugInteractionReferences |
Provides the supporting citation for the drug interaction information, based on a supplied drug interaction identifier input parameter. Returns the DrugToDrug interaction reference, along with its internal identifier. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListFederal |
Allows the user to submit either a product identifier or a package identifier and returns all available Federal flag information in GSDD for that Product or Package. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListFederalDEAClassifications |
Returns all Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) classifications for controlled substances in the United States that is available, along with their internal identifiers, from GSDD’s DEA_Classification global table.
Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned.
API | Description |
POST api/ListFlavors |
Returns a list of all the flavors used to describe the flavor of drug item versions in the Gold Standard Drug Database, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. Flavors are associated to oral dosage forms. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListGenericProductClinicals |
Returns a list of GPC (Generic Product Clinical) identifier and name information for a requested GPC name. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListGSTerms |
Returns a list of Gold Standard (GS) indication, contraindication, and/or adverse drug reaction codes and corresponding text. Also includes consumer and professional synonyms and abbreviations. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListGSTermsByCategory |
Returns grouped lists of Gold Standard (GS) indication, contraindication, and/or adverse drug reaction codes and corresponding text.
Also includes consumer and professional synonyms and abbreviations.
Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned.
API | Description |
POST api/ListHCPCSByPackage |
Returns the Centers for Medicare and Medicade Services (CMS) Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) information grouped by package for the input drug identifier. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListImprintText |
Returns a list of possible Imprint Text found in the Gold Standard Drug Database. Results can be used as input in the ProductIdentifier method. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListIngredientNameSources |
Returns the source of the default ingredient name that is returned in a ListIngredients method NameSourceIdentifier element. Additionally is the ingredient name source on all product active and inactive compositions. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListIngredients |
Returns ingredients available in the Gold Standard Drug Database, along with RXNorm Ingredient Codes and UNII Ingredient Codes, based on supplied input filters.
Results can be filtered to an ingredient name by setting the NameFilter parameter.
Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned.
API | Description |
POST api/ListIVContainerMaterials |
Returns a list of all IV containers used in GSDD, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListLanguages |
Returns all of the Language codes, along with their internal Language Code identifiers, that are used in:
API | Description |
POST api/ListLegendStatuses |
Returns all of Gold Standard’s Rx and OTC statuses, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListLicenses |
Returns the list of all FDA-assigned license types used for drug products in the Gold Standard Drug Database, along with their descriptions.
Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned
API | Description |
POST api/ListLifestyleInteractionReferences |
The ListLifestyleInteractionReferences method is similar to the ListDrugInteractionReferences method. Returns the supporting citation (reference) for the DrugToLifestyle interaction information, based on a supplied drug interaction identifier input parameter. Returns the DrugToLifestyle interaction reference, along with its internal identifier. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListLimitedDistribution |
Returns a list of limited distribution information in the Gold Standard Drug Database, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListMarketedProducts |
Returns all branded and generic versions of each Gold Standard Marketed Product (MP) for which there is a match to the specified filter, along with their internal identifiers.
Results can be filtered by name by setting the NameFilter option.
Accepts either a branded name or a generic name, and returns all marketed products matching the request string, as well as all other marketed products that share the same ingredients, strengths and dose forms.
API | Description |
POST api/ListMedGuides |
Returns a list of all Gold Standard’s MedGuide PDF file names, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListMonographNames |
Returns a list of monograph names in alphabetical order. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListMorphineEquivalentDosing |
Returns morphine equivalent dosing (MED) information at the CMS opioid product level, based on supplied filters. Provides the data needed to support calculating the daily MED based on CMS requirements for opiate use in the elderly in the providers insured population. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListNCPDPBillingUnits |
Returns the National Council for Prescription Drug Program’s (NCPDP) standard billing units, along with their internal identifiers.
Includes a ‘Maximum Results Returned’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned.
API | Description |
POST api/ListOrderableNames |
Returns a list of drugs based on a drug name entered by the user to help narrow down the options for what should be prescribed. Returns on-market drugs only (off-market products are excluded from the response), except in cases where a non-marketed brand or generic name appears in conjunction with a marketed name. Returns Gold Standard Marketed Product identifiers associated with each orderable name concept. Additionally returns Tallman and Synonym names, if available and where applicable. Returns all precise forms, if the drug entered in the request is a Base Ingredient. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListPackagePrices |
Returns all active and historical price records for a package, regardless of price type. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListPackagePricesCurrent |
Returns all current (year) active price records for a package, regardless of price type. (No historical pricing is returned in this method.) Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListPackages |
Returns general information about packages to the end user. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. The request can be performed using several different kinds of filters. Based on the filter used, the method returns slightly different identifier data. You can also optionally filter your results to specifically return packages that meet AGS BEERs Criteria as potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) for older adults. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListPackagesByCompany |
Returns general information about packages to the end user, based on a marketing firm’s company identifier or labeler code. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListPatientPackageInserts |
Returns a list of the values used by Gold Standard to indicate whether a Patient Package Insert (PPI) is required, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListPharmEquivalentProducts |
Returns all products that share the identical drug items and routes of administration as the reference product passed into the request. Shows all products in the database that are identified as pharmaceutical equivalents to the product passed into the request (the reference product). Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListPregnancyRatings |
Informational method that returns all of the FDA Pregnancy categories used in the GSDD data. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListPriceChangeReasons |
Returns a list of all of Gold Standard’s editorial reasons used to explain price changes, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListPriceTypes |
Returns all of all of the price types reported by Gold Standard, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListProductActiveIngredients |
Returns all of the active ingredients in all drug items of a product. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. Ingredients can be used as filter criteria for the ListPackages or ListProducts method and may also be passed into the DrugToAllergy method as a patient allergen. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListProductAttributes |
Returns a list of all product attributes used in the Gold Standard Drug Database, along with their internal identifiers.
Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned.
API | Description |
POST api/ListProductImages |
Accepts product identifiers as input and returns package, drug, or non-drug Image Identifier, along with the Image Type. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. This data can then be used with the GET Image method request to retrieve the image file. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListProductInactiveIngredients |
Returns all of the inactive ingredients in all drug items of a product. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. Ingredients can be used as filter criteria for the ListPackages or ListProducts method and may also be passed into the DrugToAllergy method as a patient allergen. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListProductModifiers |
Returns a list of all the Product Modifier Names and Types, along with their internal identifiers. Product Modifiers are assigned to provide more detailed information about a product to facilitate selection of the most appropriate product. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListProductModifierTypes |
Returns a list of all the Product Modifier Types (such as Administration Method, Biosimilar Suffix, Dosing), along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListProductNames |
A scaled-down version of the ListProducts method. Only returns the Product Name, Product Identifier, and the name of the product’s Marketer. Is designed for those GSDD customers who only require minimal product information to show in a pick list. Additionally, it returns the ProductId to use as input to the DetailProduct method for more detailed information. Results can be filtered by setting the NameFilter parameter. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListProductNameTypes |
Returns all of Gold Standard’s product name types, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. Product name types describe the type of name that appears in the ProductLongName field of the drug product data and are returned in the following API methods: DetailProduct, ListPharmEquivalentProducts, ListProducts, ListProductsByCompany, ListProductsByTherapeuticConceptTree, ListSubCandidateProducts |
API | Description |
POST api/ListProducts |
The ListProducts request is both a name-and-string filter AND an identifier-specific list method. As a name-and-string filter list method, the ListProductsRequest accepts the following filters (in the form of a string), and also accepts wildcard (‘%’) filters: ProductNameFilter, IngredientNameFilter As an identifier-specific list method, the ListProductsRequest accepts the following Identifier filters: ProductIdentifierFilter, GenericProductClinicalIdFilter, MarketedProductIdFilter You can also optionally filter your results to return products identified per AGS BEERs Criteria for a specific quality of evidence and/or strength of recommendation rating as potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) for older adults. You can also use the ‘MaxResults’ option to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListProductsByCompany |
Returns the same information as the ListProducts method, and it additionally allows the user to filter on the Marketing Firm’s Company Identifier or Labeler Code. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListProductsByRxNorm |
Accepts an RxNorm CUI Identifier or Name Filetr as input. Returns all products (GSDD ProductId and Name) matching to the RxNorm CUI identier or Name Filter. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListProductsByTherapeuticConceptTree |
Accepts the TherapeuticConceptTreeId integer value of a location in the Therapeutic Concept Tree, and returns all products located in that classification. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. Provides ‘Alert Optimizer’ filtering options to reduce alert fatigue by suppressing alerts and/or excluding drug results based on individual clinician's preferences or by customizing results specific to a patient. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListProductStorage |
Returns all storage statements assigned to an individual product, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. Storage statements are brief descriptions of how the product should be stored. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListREMS |
Returns a list of all Risk Evaluation Mitigation Strategy (REMS) elements available in GSDD, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListRoutesOfAdministration |
Returns all of Gold Standard’s routes of administration, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListRxNormByProduct |
Returns a list of all RxNorm CUIs, names, and types associated to a given Gold Standard Product Identifier. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListScriptForms |
Returns all of the NCPDP’s SCRIPT transaction standard dose forms, along with their internal identifiers.
Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned.
API | Description |
POST api/ListSeverityTypes |
Returns the Drug-to-Drug and Drug-to-Lifestyle interaction severity ranking values, along with their internal identifiers.
Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned.
API | Description |
POST api/ListShapes |
Returns a list of all the Shapes used to describe oral solid dosage forms in the Gold Standard Drug Database, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListSigAdditionalInstructions |
Returns specific SIG details that a prescriber may use to further describe a SIG to improve compliance or enhance safety, based on the supplied filters. If available, returns SIG synonyms, commonly accepted abbreviations, and global (country-specific) terms. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListSigAdminMethods |
Returns a list of SIG administration methods and the associated SNOMED codes, based on supplied identifiers and filters.
Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned.
API | Description |
POST api/ListSigFrequencies |
Returns specific SIG frequency details and the associated SNOMED codes, based on the supplied filters. If available, returns label and alternate SIGs. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListSigPrescribingReasons |
Returns specific SIG reasons for prescribing and the associated SNOMED codes, based on the supplied filters. If available, returns SNOMED and ICD-9 codes used to identify indications. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListSigRouteCategories |
Returns SIG high-level route category identifiers and text for routes and units. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListSigRoutesOfAdministration |
Returns SIG Route information, along with SNOMED codes. Maps Gold Standard’s routes of administration and SNOMED codes to SIG high-level route category information, based on supplied filters Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListSigUnits |
Returns SIG codes and text for SIG units of measure, along with associated SNOMED codes, based on supplied input filters. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListSpecificProducts |
Accepts specific product name, product identifier, or a package identifier and returns all Gold Standard Specific Products (SPs) matching the name or identifier. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned |
API | Description |
POST api/ListStateDEAClassification |
Returns the State Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) classifications for controlled substances in the United States, based on supplied product and state filters. Only returns a value when a submitted Gold Standard Product Identifier does have an overriding DEA classification for the supplied state. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListStateLegendStatus |
Returns the State Legend Status prescription (Rx) and over-the-counter (OTC) drug products in the United States, based on supplied product and state filters. Only returns a value when a submitted Gold Standard Product Identifier does have an overriding legend status for the supplied state. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListStates |
Provides the state identifiers and associated names for the US states and territories that are used in the Gold Standard Drug Database. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListStorage |
Returns all of the storage global data contained within the Gold Standard Drug Database. Includes a list of generalized storage statements extracted from both the United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) and drug product approved labels, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListSubCandidateProducts |
Returns all products that match the ListPharmEquivalentProducts request, but limits the response data to just those products that have an FDA Orange Book rating of “A”. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListTherapeuticConceptByProduct |
Returns all therapeutic concept tree locations in which this product is classified, indicating which market classification(s) the product belongs to. There can be zero, one, or many therapeutic concepts mapped to a product, based on its use in the marketplace. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListTherapeuticConceptTree |
Returns the entire Therapeutic Concept tree, along with all Parent-Child relationships. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListTherapeuticEquivalenceCodes |
Returns the FDA Orange Book Therapeutic Equivalence (TE) rating codes, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListUnitDoseIndicators |
Returns the Gold Standard unit dose indicators, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. The Unit Dose Indicator is a package-level attribute that describes whether the package is meant for a unit dose or unit of use. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListUnits |
Returns the units of measure used in the Gold Standard Drug Database, along with their internal identifier codes. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListWarningLabels |
Returns Drug Auxiliary Warning Labels text and warning label vendor codes, based on the supplied filter criteria. Optionally returns short version warning label text, based on supplied filters. Contains warning label data in multiple languages (English, Spanish, and French). Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. Enables access to Auxiliary Warning Labels for extemporaneous compounds that would not otherwise have associated warning labels in the DrugToWarningLable response. |
API | Description |
POST api/ListWarningLabelVendors |
Returns a list of all vendors that supply warning labels, along with their internal identifiers. Includes a ‘MaxResults’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
GET api/MedGuide?MedGuideId={MedGuideId}&AccessToken={AccessToken} |
Returns a MedGuide PDF file using the respective Gold Standard internal identifier. |
API | Description |
POST api/PregnancyAndLactationByDrug |
Provides the clinician with drug compatibility data for those females of childbearing age who may be pregnant and/or lactating, based on supplied drug identifiers and optional filters.
(NOTE: In GSDD, childbearing age (CBA) is defined as female gender with an age range of 13-50 years.)
API | Description |
POST api/PregnancyAndLactationByDrugClassification |
Provides the clinician a list of drugs contained within a therapeutic concept in order to understand the use of the drug while pregnant, during labor and delivery, or while lactating.
Accepts the TherapeuticConceptTreeId integer value of a location in the Therapeutic Concept Tree as input.
API | Description |
POST api/PregnancyAndLactationInfoByDiagnosis |
Provides the clinician with information about drugs indicated for a particular disease or condition for those females of childbearing age who may be pregnant and/or lactating.
API | Description |
POST api/PregnancyAndLactationScreeningAlert |
Provides the clinician with alerts on medication that represents a patient’s prescribed and/or prescribing therapy for those females of childbearing age who may be pregnant and/or lactating, based on supplied drug identifiers and optional filters.
(NOTE: In GSDD, childbearing age (CBA) is defined as female gender with an age range of 13-50 years.)
API | Description |
POST api/PrescriptionOrder |
Returns all available forms, routes, strengths and other key information about a drug including the ePrescribing name that can be used to prescribe the drug electronically. Provides all valid combinations of forms, routes, and strengths associated with the drug, any related Brand or Generic names for the drug, and each combination’s E-Prescribing name. Additionally returns Tallman and Synonym names, if available and where applicable. Includes a ‘Maximum Results Returned’ option that allows you to limit the number of results returned. |
API | Description |
POST api/ProductIdentifier |
Provides functionality to help identify unknown oral solid drug products (tablets and capsules), based on a supplied set of values.
Information returned comes directly from the manufacturer’s product labeling and description.